West Swedish marine energy technology is at the forefront of renewable energy development and is now being exported to Norway. In the short future, a large western Swedish wave power system will be launched. If you are interested in marine energy technology, here’s your chance to at Eriksberg quayside see a giant buoy at Eriksberg quayside before it is shipped to produce fossil-free electricity for the Norwegian power grid.

While taking advantage of the latest in marine energy technology, you have the opportunity to meet representatives from the business network, the West Swedish Subsea, and OffshoreVäst. There are many exciting initiatives in the Gothenburg region in this field, offering both new and established companies.

We welcome you to meet with industry contacts, hear what’s going on, and see the buoy on the quayside!

Date: Friday, February 5
Time: 8:30 to about 11:30
Location: Quality Hotel 11, Eriksberg. Room: 34, (Maskingatan 11, 417 64 Göteborg)
Contact: Bernt Svensén, 031-367 61 73, bernt.svensen@businessregion.se


  • Coffee and networking
  • Patrik Andersson, President, Business Region Göteborg, says “Welcome”
  • Michael Fjällström, Swedish Energy Agency
  • John Rune Nielsen, CEO, SP Technical Research Institute. Prof. Jonas Ringsberg, Chalmers’ research in the marine energy “. Pierre Ingmarsson, Project Manager, SP and Offshore West, “Innovation, business and opportunities within the marine energy”
  • Ulf Lindelöf, Waves4Power explains and shows the WaveEL buoy on the quayside!

The marine industry is one of Western Sweden’s priority sectors. Business Region Göteborg drives Network West Swedish Subsea where the focus is on strengthening the competitiveness of the western Swedish companies in the subsea area nationally and internationally. SP runs the initiative OffshoreVäst where the focus is on innovation in the extraction of oil / gas, offshore energy, and offshore service and maintenance.

CLICK HERE to download Green Gothenburg’s full press release.


Green Gothenburg provides knowledge, inspiration and business contacts through qualitative study program focusing on sustainable development in waste management, transport, energy and urban development.

Green Gothenburg owned by the City of Gothenburg and managed by Business Region Gothenburg. Behind the Green Gothenburg are five municipal corporations in addition to the City of Gothenburg – Göteborg Energi, Future Group, River Bank Development, Gatubolaget and Renova.

Green Gothenburg

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