Waves4Power is a Swedish company that develops and sells wave energy systems. During the first week of February, Waves4Power will have a complete wave energy system moored at the harbor in Gothenburg before shipping to the deployment site outside Ålesund in Norway. This is the result of years of development, design, construction, and testing, and we proudly present the result at Eriksberg, as well as at Volvo’s quayside at Arendal. Along with BRG, OffshoreVäst, the Swedish Technical Research Institute, and Chalmers University of Technology, we invite the business community to a seminar on February 5th at the Quality Hotel 11. Waves4Power will then have an open viewing for the public at Eriksberg’s quayside during the 5th and 6th of February (10.00-17.00). After this viewing, the Olympic Zeus, one of Norway’s largest offshore vessels, will pick up the wave energy system at Arendal for transport to Norway.

Waves4Power intends for this to showcase not only marine research and fossil free energy production, but new industrial opportunities in Gothenburg as well. The aim is to give Gothenburg a glimpse of the future and the realization of new environmental technologies.

We urge everyone to try to come to the Business Region Gothenburg´s seminar on Friday, February 5th or to the public visiting days, as well as to broadcast this invitation via your own network. By spreading the word, we can get great participation and involvement.

On February 3rd & 4th we are open for scheduling VIP visits. If you have a group of interested parties, customers, or your own staff, please contact us for arrangement of a VIP tour and private presentation at Waves4Power.

Please register your interest at www.waves4power.com/vip-tours

For further information contact Ulf.lindelof@waves4power.com , call +46722 104 420, or visit our website www.waves4power.com

CLICK HERE to download the full press release.

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